Jake and Kelli's Family in Texas

Jake and Kelli have 3 awesome kids that are not only photogenic, but are also well-behaved and obedient.  It made for a really easy-going photoshoot.  These first photos you see were actually taken at a forest park 15 minutes from their home.  It made a beautiful backdrop for this beautiful family.
There were trails for skipping, trees for shade, and even a picnic table by a pond.  It was truly a scene of serenity.

The above photos were taken at the end of this photo session. Everyone gave us great smiles from start to finish. We actually began the photo shoot at their home, getting pictures with their house and backyard in the background.  I like those types of photos for posterity.  It documents more than just the family, it documents the place in which they spend much of their lives, and as the kids grow older and share the photos with their children, they will be able to tell them the stories that took place in that location.

We also had the kids grab an item or 2 that represented the things that they like to do at this stage in their lives.  Again, it's great for story-sharing to their posterity.  Both of the older children chose a book and stuffed animal.  We took these photos in their backyard.

The youngest loved his truck!  Who wouldn't?  It made all kinds of sounds.

Oh! And don't forget the Pokemon cards!  Those ever-popular cards will hold all kinds of memories for the future.

And of course, just for fun, every photo session should have some funny faces!


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