Our Story

In the mountain deserts of the wild west, lives the sharp-shooter, Steve Christensen. Behind his fierce 70-200mm F2.8 zoom lens lies the expertise no prairie dog dare confront. Many years ago, a mere interest in photography wasn’t enough to suit Steve’s fancy. He had to have more. Like a spiraling dirt devil, he turned a curiosity of clicking and capturing into a craft so masterful there was no looking back. This expertise came at a cost, however, and the expense his wallet was cranking out was taking it’s toll. His billfold was now becoming a mere a wisp of paper in his pocket. Fortunately for him, word was getting around about Steve’s skills and the townsfolk began to hire him out one-by-one and pay him to shoot their families. I know it sounds crazy. But, it’s what they wanted.
The story doesn’t end there.
Back at the home, his perty wife, Lani, was bustling around raising his two daughters. Over the years she had been his willing model that would stare down the barrel of each new lens he acquired. It’s not certain when exactly the staring turned into studying, but it was not too long after, she learnt his ways and before long she became his camera-wielding pardner.
Now it’s the darndest thing. They go on shoots together all the time! The story continues even to this day. You might see them around town, and if you do, I’m sure they’d be much obliged to shoot you too!


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