Senior Pics School-Side

This is the second of three blog posts about Kaiden.  The first can be found here and features what he can do with a basketball!

It was a beautiful Saturday when we did Kaiden's senior pictures.  We went to the high school and got some photos around the exterior of the building and at the nearby seminary building.

 There was a bit of a wind which made for some fun for those of us who got to hold the reflector/diffuser.  It was like trying to hold on to the sail of a sailboat.  Lucky for Kaiden, he wasn't fazed at all by the breeze and his hair didn't move a titch.  Pros of having short hair.

It was cool that he had a class ring, so we had to get shot of that.

The next photo is a duplicate of the black and white one above, but the colored one is nice too especially because you can see his blue eyes.

And this last photo was of him in the very bleachers where his family would sit to support him at his many events over the years.  I believe when they finish building the new high school across the street that this field will be demolished, so it may be one of the last photos we'll ever take of this memorable location.


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